减肥后手术 俄亥俄州哥伦布市 | Donaldson-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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减肥后手术 俄亥俄州哥伦布市

Post-Bariatric Surgery To Restore Your Body’s Natural Contours

Significant weight loss is a remarkable achievement no matter if it was done through diet, 运动或减肥澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. However, such a drastic change can often result in excess skin and tissue. We offer effective surgical options to remove this excess skin and help you achieve your goals.



皮肤收紧 Options After Ozempic 减肥

Semaglutide (often referred to as Ozempic or Wegovy) is an incredible solution that has helped countless patients become healthier, 更快乐的自己. In fact, we often leverage semaglutide as part of our 体重管理计划. However, with rapid weight loss comes the reality of loose skin.

Dr. 杰弗里·唐纳森和博士. 米歇尔Sieffert have extensive experience with lift surgeries and they focus on creating elegant, 自然的结果. They have helped hundreds of satisfied patients achieve their ideal figure and feel better in their skin. Our surgeons offer a comprehensive and safety-driven approach to their 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网 which results in a quicker, 更舒适的恢复.


顾名思义, 提体手术 is a comprehensive procedure that targets multiple areas of the body affected by loose, 显著减肥后皮肤松弛. The areas most often targeted with this procedure include arms, 乳房, 腹部, 臀部, 大腿上, 臀部, 侧翼, 中背部和下背部.


也被称为肱成形术, this procedure is designed to address sagging skin and excess fat in the upper arms. Removing the loose skin and reshaping the underlying tissues can result in more toned and defined arms, restoring confidence and allowing individuals to feel comfortable in sleeveless attire or short-sleeved attire.


提大腿手术 is a procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the thighs, 导致更平滑, 更有轮廓的腿. It is an effective solution for individuals who struggle with loose skin or cellulite in the thigh area, helping them achieve a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing lower body contour.


最大的优点之一 腹部除皱手术 is its ability to remove excess abdominal skin and repair the midline muscles that may have been separated during pregnancy or before you achieved significant weight loss.


We don’t have to tell you this, but weight loss can do some fairly unpredictable things! Certain areas of the body lose weight faster than others while sagging skin simply isn’t symmetrical. We offer a variety of options to address any cosmetic concerns that may have arisen along the way and to help you achieve the proportions that match your goals.


  • Morpheus8 — Our go-to treatment to tighten the skin in the face and neck
  • 填料 — Turns back the clock and restores volume anywhere throughout the face
  • Kybella — An injectable substance that dissolves fat in a targeted area, specifically the chin


减肥后手术 is an effective solution when it comes to removing excess skin, tightening underlying tissues and sculpting the body to create a more proportionate, 轮廓和色调的外观. This comprehensive approach can help individuals enhance their physical contours and improve their overall well-being.


我们邀请您与我们的团队取得澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台, discuss the options available to you and schedule your initial consultation!

